Friday, September 27, 2013



TERMINATION sounds like such a terrible word because it reminds me of being terminated from my last job, although it eventually turned out to be a good thing, it was still very painful to go through it. The Terminator movie, starring Arnold Schwartzenegger back in 1989, was and still is one of my favorite movies. The Terminator was a killing machine, who would not be stopped until it achieved its mission of killing John Connor, the little boy who was supposed to grow up to be the leader of the "Resistance Movement" of the future. That sounds a lot like me, and my mission TERMINATE the bad behaviors of people who are fighting to destroy our Society which is being ruled by Satan. I'd have to lose some weight before I could get into one of those tight leather suits like that chick Laura Croft, though. LOL!

But, do you see what I just did right there? I said that "I would need to lose some weight...", etc. When in reality all I need to do is keep on writing these blogs which have absolutely nothing to do with what I look like.  I probably said that because we have been programmed by the society to think that we must do certain things before we can be loved and accepted by the world. This is true in a sense, because most of us are like big chunks of coal waiting to be pressurized into beautiful diamonds. Then, all we need is a skilled jeweler, or gemologist to turn that huge diamond into an exquisite piece of jewelry. Well, I AM the gemologist and my mission is to show you how to stop (as they say in the Bible) "casting your jewels (or pearls) before swine." Swine is another term for pigs, which is a metaphor for people or things that are dirty, foul, or unclean. We do not need these people, or those things in our lives anymore therefore, they must be TERMINATED!

The first thing that must be TERMINATED is the idea that "You are not good enough." We Old School people used to say: "God don't make no junk." And, he surely doesn't! GOD makes everything good and perfect and then we HUMANS turn it into junk! Even the so-called "bad" stuff has a purpose, like dynamite... for example, has a useful purpose...but it's what we use it for, or how we use it that determines the outcome. So, why then do I say "we must change what is wrong?" Aren't I perfect just the way I am? Well,! How is your idea of perfect working out for you? Are you getting the results you desire? If not...then it's time for a change! Now, I could spend all day talking about how to become a better person...but that's not my job. That's Dr.Phil's and Dr. Oz' s job.  My job is to tell you that physical and mental improvements are nice...but without SPIRITUAL improvements, you are just spinning your wheels...going absolutely nowhere. 

So, the second thing we have to TERMINATE is Ineffective Results. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result...that is the definition of INSANITY! If you keep dating or marrying the same kind of person you've been trying to get away from, you're going to get the same results. If you keep hanging out with the same're gonna get the same results. If you do nothing to improve your're gonna get the same results. "NOTHING FROM NOTHING LEAVES NOTHING" And, the definition of Intelligence is the ability to learn from your mistakes. It's not how many books you've read, or degrees you have on the's are you becoming an effective being who gets good results? If the answer to that question is YES, then you can stop reading or listening to me. If the answer is NO or SOMETIMES or MAYBE...then WE got some serious work to do.

The third thing we need to TERMINATE is Negative Influences. Now we all know what the negative influences are around us, don't we? Critical people, bad situations, chemicals, drugs, entertainment, etc., etc. The list will contain ANYTHING that takes you away from who you want to be or what you want to do. Sometimes negative influences are like a swarm of fruit flies or gnats flying around your head and you try to get rid of them but they just keep coming and coming, Right?  Well, most of the time all you need to do is simply... MOVE...GET AWAY...or even better ISOLATE YOURSELF. This is where you have to LOVE YOURSELF more than you love the influences. If you can't stand being lonely...then you really can't stand your own company. Why would I want to spend time with anyone who doesn't even want to spend time with themselves?  As that handsome football player once said: "I love me some me!" It's not being just means that I don't need a bunch of stuff or people, or anything else around me to be happy. I can read, paint, cook, play some games, investigate the Universe...whatever!  I am happy, just to be alive another day. I opened my eyes this morning, and everything else is downhill for the day. (In a good way) I believe that the Lord provides, we live in a beautiful and loving Universe, and I have so much to learn...why should I be sad or anxious?

So the next thing we need to TERMINATE is Unrealistic Expectations of the Future. This a big one folks, because there is a fine line between bursting your bubble and actually realizing your hopes and dreams. On the one hand, I am not going to tell you that you are too dumb to go to Harvard or too ugly or fat to be a model, or that you are an untalented jerk...but I am going to tell you to be REALISTIC about your goals and desires. You are not going to meet and marry a handsome millionaire or a beautiful Hollywood starlet if all you do is play video games, or take care of 20 cats while you surf the Internet dating sites all day. And, speaking of Internet dating...OMG...first off, very few sites are legitimate, they just want your money, it's very dangerous to date that way, and you would be better off taking a class at the local library in basket weaving, oil painting, or how to use a computer than trying to meet someone on or E-harmony. Now I am sure there are a lot of people who have found dates and gotten married that way, but I would advise you to do your homework learning about yourself and fixing your personality flaws first. That way if you do find someone you like, you'll have a better chance of having a more positive experience.

The last thing we are going to TERMINATE for now are BAD HABITS...This is another big one folks, and is probably the most important of all. And it is usually bad habits that can make or break a relationship. That's because it takes in a whole assortment of things that could be wrong in your life. It's not just things like drinking too much, or smoking or taking also includes things like talking too much about anything: God, your kids, your family, your ex, your job, etc. Unless you know for sure that your partner or date is a really good listener, I would suggest that you keep your critiques, complaints and observations to yourself. Doing anything too much...too much shopping, TV, Internet, visiting friends, watching sports, exercising, food, etc. all the usual every day things, is detrimental to any relationship. But it also includes things like cleaning, reading books on top of books as an escape from life, avoiding conflict without resolutions, living in denial, bothering people when they don't want you around, etc. Bad habits essentially are anything that
a. Annoys the hell out of other people and
b. Wastes your precious time on earth. 

We must take and do everything in moderation and seek BALANCE in our lives.

When you don't learn what you need to do to make positive changes in your life, you are wasting God's (and your own) precious time. Why should He or The Universe give you what you desire if you aren't doing what God wants you to do? God may want you to get married and maybe not. He may want you to have children, and maybe not. He may want you to merely be a friendly person and get along with everyone and become a Universal citizen...and maybe not.  It is up to YOU to discover your purpose on earth. Then and only then can you hope to share that purpose with another person in your life. But, first you have to TERMINATE all that GARBAGE out of your present life to make your future life so much brighter.

Next time, I'm going to wrap it up with a definition of exactly what MARRIAGE really is...which you might think I would have started with, but I had to get all that other stuff out of the way first. 

So we're almost ready to decorate and move the furniture into our Marriage House...see you next time!

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